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Are you a business person looking to grow their customer base? Are you on snapchat? In the event that your answer to the second question is no, you need to stop wasting time. Look at the following interesting facts about snapchat: In the United States alone, Snapchat enjoys about 26 million users, 77% of all the college students make use of snapchat on a daily basis and 58% of all the college students have a higher chance of purchasing a certain product that has been marketed on snap chat. That being said, it istime to get your business a snapchat page and start getting snapchat followers.
First identify your target market. The good thing about snapchat is that its use is not limited to teenagers and college students. As a matter of fact, statistics are showing that snapchat is majorly used by people between the ages of 25 and 65. Once you have identified your target market, post content on your page that will appeal to them. Do not just dive straight into marketing your product, they will lose interest fast. Rope them in slowly then make them stay by giving information on your product and offering such things as coupons and discounts for those buying through snapchat. You get to not only increase the number of your snapchat followers but also your sales.